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Health Literacy Month: How to Advocate for Your Health Care

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Health Literacy Month is a time to understand the importance of good information about your health options.

Health Literacy Month
October 1-31, 2022

Building Health Literacy Awareness Through Action

For more than 20 years, October has been recognized as Health Literacy Month. Health Literacy Month is a time of international observance when hospitals, health centers, literacy programs, libraries, social service agencies, businesses, professional associations, govern­ment agencies, consumer alliances, and many other groups work collaboratively to integrate and expand the mission of health literacy.

Helen Osborne

Health Literacy Month was founded in 1999 by Helen Osborne and is now brought to you by the Institute for Healthcare Advancement (IHA).

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Speak Up and Ask Questions

1. Speak Up and Ask Questions

This is the most important thing you can do as a patient. Ask questions about your treatment plan and symptoms; prepare them beforehand so you know the right questions to ask your doctor. Get a second opinion and beyond if necessary. If you’re staying in the hospital or getting surgery, ask questions about how they prevent the spread of infections.

2. Involve Your Loved Ones

If your loved ones are clear on your treatment plan, medications, and symptoms. Keep a list of all your medications and dosages, and give them to anyone you live with and anyone who may pick up prescriptions for you. Fully inform your loved ones of any conditions you have and their symptoms, so that they will recognize if your condition worsens.

How to Make an Emergency Checklist
Get All Necessary Vaccinations

3. Get All Necessary Vaccinations

This is always important, but make sure you’re up to date on your vaccinations. This is especially important if you’re going to be at a medical facility for any reason. By taking steps to prevent the spread of even regular yearly viruses, you’re protecting both medical workers and patients, and of course protecting yourself. Even your yearly flu shot, which many people disregard, is a great way to keep yourself safe from a potentially dangerous sickness.

4. Practice Good Hygiene and Think of Other Patients

If you’re going to a medical appointment or staying in a hospital, one of the most important things you can do for health is wash your hands thoroughly and often, and if you’re staying in the hospital make sure any visitors do too. It’s the most effective way to prevent spreading germs. This helps protect yourself, and others too. And when we all watch out for each other’s safety, health outcomes for everyone improve.

If you are sick or have been sick recently, wear a face mask – they’re most useful helping sick patients prevent spreading germs. Take antibiotics only when you need them, exactly as prescribed, and always complete your full course. Watch for signs of infection and get help immediately if you suspect you have one. While staying in the hospital, make sure your room is being cleaned and disinfected regularly.
Preparing for future health care needs

Preparing for future health care needs

5. Choose a Medical Proxy

You might not always be able to make decisions regarding your own medical care. To prepare for this possibility, it makes sense to choose a medical decision maker, or proxy. If you are unable to make decisions, this person can choose:

  • Your doctors, nurses, social workers, and caregivers.
  • Your hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes.
  • Who has access to your medical information.
  • Your medications, tests, and treatments, including life support and resuscitation orders.
  • End of life decisions such as autopsy, organ donation, the presence of religious leaders, and funeral arrangements.

How Do I Choose a Medical Proxy?

What is a health care proxy?

A health care proxy is a document that names someone you trust as your proxy, or agent, to express your wishes and make health care decisions for you if you are unable to speak for yourself. A health care proxy may also be called a durable medical power of attorney or an appointment of a health care agent or health care surrogate. Naming a proxy can help ensure that you get the health care you prefer in the event that you cannot communicate your wishes.

You do not have to be terminally ill to designate a health care proxy or for the proxy to make decisions on your behalf. Typically, your proxy will make treatment decisions whenever you are incapacitated and unable to communicate due to a temporary or permanent illness or injury. A doctor may have to certify that you are incapacitated before your proxy starts making decisions for you. Your proxy may also have access to your health records and other information, depending on the permissions you give them. If you want to place restrictions on what your proxy can do or see, you should include these in your health care proxy document. Read more

6. Visit Mountainside Medical Equipment for Wholesale Medical Supplies at the Best Prices

Part of health care literacy is knowing how to afford it. Health care is expensive, especially if you’re on a fixed income, and it knowing where to buy quality products at affordable prices can make a major difference for your budget. That’s why you should visit Mountainside Medical Equipment! On both our website and at our storefront, we offer wholesale medical supplies on a cash & carry basis. Get top brands for the highest quality assistive and mobility devices at the lowest prices right here!

Visit Mountainside Medical Equipment

Mountainside Medical Equipment’s storefront is located at 9266 Old River Road, Marcy, New York 13403. It’s open from Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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