DVH Medical

Raw Manuka Honey

Views: 26

Raw Manuka Honey Active 15+ from Y.S. Organic Bee Farms is a highly active raw honey from bees fed from the manuka shrub.

Raw Manuka Honey

Product Details

Like other honeys, manuka honey may be used to flavor food and drinks. It does have a stronger flavor due to the high activity 15+ rating, which indicates the high MG level, or possible antibacterial activity. This potency is maintained even after boiling or heating.

Possible benefits of this 15+ active, organic, raw manuka honey include the following:

Suggested Usage

Adults: 1/2 tablespoon twice daily or more as needed.


Do not feed honey to infants under one year of age.
Bee products may cause allergic reactions in some people.
Due to honey content, not recommended for children under two.
Keep out of reach of children.


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